Ram-Pep-Band at the 2025 Spring Football Game

Friday 04/25/2025 – report at 5:00 pm, game starts at 7:00 pm

The Bands Alumni Association is recruiting for the Ram-Pep-Band that is playing at the Spring Football Game! The band is made up of Alumni, as well as WCU Undergraduate and Graduate Student bandmembers. We will play at the Gold Box, in the stands, and at halftime. BRING THE FAMILY! BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Cheer for both sides…the football team is playing itself in a scrimmage!

The game is free, there is no cost to be in the band, and your uniform is your choice of a WCU shirt. Sport that purple and gold! RamBand shirts, Alumni RamBand shirts, and WCU shirts are all welcome. Your bottom half can be shorts or pants based on the weather, and wear sneakers.

We will send you your music in PDF format via email once you’ve signed up (and Dr. Gumble comes up with our set list).  



5:00 pm – If you are playing Mellophone, Bari/Euph, Tuba, or Battery Percussion, and you need to borrow those horns or percussion stands, report to the yellow sculpture in front of Swope. The RamBand Coordinators and Drum Majors will get you to where the gear is. You will need to reverse the process after the game and bring the gear back to Swope.

5:15 pm – Start getting yourself parked at Farrell Stadium, and for the winds, recall which end of the horns go to your faces. We know for some of us it’s been at least since October since we had to work that out. 

5:30 pm – Meet at the band gate ready to rehearse. This is where The RamBand Coordinators and Drum Majors take over and lead us to the warm-up space at the scoreboard. Printed folio-size music, folio pages, and binder rings will be available, but do make sure you bring whatever folio backer and lyre you need to see the music.

30:00 on pre-game clock / 6:30 pm – We move to the ‘Gold Box’ area and perform.

Halftime concert arc on the track – we will be set on the track as soon as we can after the start of the 20:00 clock and play at 15:00 on the clock. The RamBand Coordinators and Drum Majors will get us organized and out of the stands in time. 

DURING THE GAME: The kids will be free to get their wiggles out and not be stuck in the stands! Scrimmages are shorter than regulation football games, so we’re not banking on a normal 3-hour game.

FOOD: The concession stand and food trucks will be open during the game, so you will be able to get something for supper at some point.

AFTERWARDS, head to P.J. Whelihan’s (Shoppes at Dilworthtown Crossing – 1347 Wilmington Pike, West Chester.) We will tell you on game day if there is a specific spot set aside for us.